Student Application

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  • The program is directed to outstanding female nursing students.
  • The student's scholarship continues in the college quarterly until graduation and in the program after graduation.

The conditions

  • 1. Obtaining a high school diploma, (scientific deepartment), with a cumulative average of no less than 85%.
  • 2. Pass the general and achievement tests with a score of no less than 65 for each.
  • 3. Completion of the first joint year with a GPA of no less than 4.2530. Fill out the application prepared by the admission committee, which must include an article prepared by the applicant stating the reason for his entitlement to the scholarship.‏
  • 4. Pass the admission test and the personal interview.
  • 5. The final acceptance is done by the committee through comparison based on the above-mentioned conditions and a personal interview.

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